[Shanghai] Lao Zheng Xing 老正兴
老正兴 Lao Zheng Xing | www.laozhengxing-sh.com | Dianping
Address: 福州路556号(近浙江中路) – 556 Fuzhou Rd near Zhejiang Middle Rd (黄浦区 Huangpu District)
Date visited: 2013.05
Total bill: RMB¥146 for two people
Will return: No
What to get:
– 干锅腊肉有机花菜 Dry Pan Bacon Organic Cauliflower
– 红烧狮子头 Braised Lion’s Head
We ended up at 老正兴 Lao Zheng Xing during the work hour lunch rush because it was the only place with immediate tables available. Food was okay but as far as Shanghainese food is concerned, I wouldn’t come here over 上海人家 Shanghai Ren Jia or 外婆家 The Grandma’s.
The English on the menu was slightly problematic so I did a bit of tweaking… but I’m not responsible if I messed anything up ha (seriously).
酱焖蹄 Stewed Pig’s Trotters (RMB¥32)
Recommend: yes
This dish is served cold. Pretty good starter.
蟹粉年糕山药 Crab Yam Rice Cakes (RMB¥42)
Recommend: no
The crab flavor wasn’t really there.
干锅腊肉有机花菜 Dry Pan Bacon Organic Cauliflower (RMB$42)
Recommend: yes
The flavor of the bacon was really deep and permeated the cauliflower, making this really delicious all around. Slightly spicy.
红烧狮子头 Braised Lion’s Head (RMB¥15 per meatball)
Recommend: yes
No lions were harmed in making these. Lion’s head = pork meatballs. This is a Shanghainese staple. My dad’s homemade version is pretty hard to beat but this was good (just not as good). The outside was fried and inside was really soft and loose. Best eaten with a bowl of white rice.