[Shanghai Girl Eats NYC] Murray’s Bagels
Murray’s Bagels | Yelp | murraysbagels.com
Address: 500 6th Ave, Greenwich Village, New York
Date visited: 2020.02
Price: <US20
Will return: Yes
What to get: Bagel lox
I love bagels. The only shame is they are so heavy that I can only allow myself to eat them a few times a year. I would love to have a bagel every other day but I don’t have the metabolism to keep up with that kind of routine. When I am in NYC, I always go to Murray’s Bagels and eat my year’s worth of bagel allotment in a few days.
There are specialty sandwiches or you can put a combination together yourself. As for the toppings, there are plenty of cream cheese “schmear” flavors, different varieties of lox, and condiments. For me, this is what I get every time: belly lox, raw onions, capers, and either regular or scallion cream cheese depending on my mood on a toasted everything bagel (US13.25+tax). It’s a hefty work of art. I mean, go big or don’t get a bagel, right?

Pair it with a cream soda and you’re golden.