[Shanghai] Dong Tai Xiang 东泰祥
Dong Tai Xiang 东泰祥 | Dianping
Address: 长宁路63号 – 63 Changning Rd near 889广场 (静安区 Jing’an District) (other locations available)
Date visited: 2013.07
Total bill: RMB¥30 for two people
Will return: Yes
Okay, this is one of those places where you are most likely going to have to share a table and eat with strangers and the air conditioning sort of works but not really. But it’s okay because the food is cheap and delicious.
冷馄饨 Cold Wontons (RMB¥6)
Not too hot and not completely cold either–perfect to enjoy in this summer’s extremely hot temperatures (100 F degrees. every. single. day. wtf)!
葱油拌面加蛋汤 Scallion Oil Noodles and Egg Soup (RMB¥9) + 素鸡 Bean Curd Roll (RMB¥3)
A childhood favorite! Noodles topped with fried scallion, oil, and soy sauce. A simple and classic Shanghai street food. The pancake-looking thing on top is 素鸡 (“suji”), which literally means vegetarian chicken and is a bean curd roll. It doesn’t taste like chicken but it is good.
Comes with a bowl of egg soup. Pretty standard.
传统特色生煎 Traditional Specialty Shengjian (RMB¥6 for four pieces; two orders shown)
Each fried perfectly crispy outside while retaining a soupy inside. So good.